Learn Microsoft Excel Quickly
This course that will show you how to get the best out of Excel that you can complete in under 7 hours!
Buy our complete Microsoft Excel course for $7 which comes with an accredited certificate.
What You'll Learn in this Course
Creating Charts
Earn an Accredited Certificate
What our Students say
“This course is excellent. The skills I have developed have given me the confidence to tackle advanced problems in an Investment Banking environment. Unlike other courses, the tutorials are practical, to the point and are relevant to professionals. I would highly recommend this course.”
Revin Melanis
Investment Banking PMO, London
© 2023 Earn And Excel. All Rights Reserved.

Pivot Tables, Power Query and Dashboards
Macros & VBA to really speed up your work!
... and much more!
Some of the Companies Our Students Work At

We are accredited by the CPD Standards Office

“The VBA course has been a game changer as the ability to automate was something I longed for in order to be more efficient and more effective as a professional. This course is the complete package, I would recommend this course 100%”
Mike Doubek
InProject Manager, United Stated
“I applied many of the skills I learnt through your Excel course to automate many aspects of my work and it has been a huge help. My next step is to improve my VBA skills!”
Kiran Arian
Senior Financial Adviser, Canada

Frequently Asked Questions
How do you deliver your courses?

Once you have signed up then we will send you an email with a link to access our training dashboard, you can access all of our courses from this dashboard. All courses consist of video lessons that can be viewed on your device of choice and also to truly enhance your learning you will access lots of exercise files relevant to the lessons.
Are you certified by a governing body? *

We are fully accredited by the CPD (Continuing Professional Development) governing body. The CPD Certification Service is the independent CPD accreditation center working across all sectors, disciplines and further learning applications in the UK.
There are many options these days to learn, why go with your courses?

Great question, well frankly we make the best courses because all of our trainers have spent 10+ years using these skills in the real world! True knowledge is passed on from people who have been in the trenches, putting in long hours, solving real problems creatively. Our mission is to empower you with the very best of what works and more importantly, leave out what is unnecessary and thus a waste of your precious time.
How long will it take to learn these skills?

It depends on your level of commitment. Our students have seen incredible results from as little as 30 minutes a day. But remember the magic is in applying the skills as much as learning them. Our courses are designed with this in mind. On the very practical end we have students who squeeze in a few mins here and there on their commute and some do dedicated 2-3 hour weekend sessions. One of our most successful students Jayne managed to get up at 4am to do her learning! This paid off massively as it landed her a six figure analyst job in a bank!
Can my employer pay for my training?

Yes, this is quite common since we focus on helping actual corporate employees. Note that for teams we offer bulk discounts. However, this needs to be done with a corporate credit/debit card. We don’t accept transfer/remittances. Get in touch if you have any specific questions.
Do you have a refund policy?

Yes, we do, we will dust it off if you need it because it rarely happens! You have 30 days to let us know that the training isn’t right for you and we will happily refund.
How much does it cost to take your courses?

You can either purchase access to one course or all of our courses, which are listed above. What we have done in a post COVID-19 world is to keep our prices low to accommodate as many ambitious people from all over the world who are looking to upskill through our high level courses without the burden of high expense.
How to use Excel
Functions, Ranges and Shortcuts
Printing, Formatting and Conditional Formatting
Data Analysis: Text, Formulas & Logic
Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced
Language: English
Lessons: 82
Videos: 6 hours and 44 minutes
Certificate: Get a certificate of completion accredited by the CPD* that can be displayed on LinkedIn
Versions: The course is created in Excel 2019 (365) but works in Excel 2016, 2013, 2010, and 2007
Course Modules
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Overview
2.1 Combine what you can enter in a cell
2.2 Relative and Absolute Cell Referencing
2.3 Entering Formula
2.4 Order of Operations
2.5 Date Serial Numbers
3.1 Copy and Drag
3.2 Working with rows and columns
3.3 Working with sheets
4.1 Functions
4.2 SUM Function
4.3 Copy and Drag Formula
4.4 More Basic Functions
4.5 Named Ranges
4.6 Names Constants and Formula
4.7 Shortcuts
4.8 More Shortcuts
5.1 Formatting Font
5.2 Formatting Alignment
5.3 Formatting Borders
5.4 Formatting Numbers
5.5 Conditional Formatting Pre-Configured
5.6 Conditional Formatting with Formula
5.7 Conditional Formatting Dialogue Box Formula Trick
6.1 Icons Shapes and Formatting
6.2 Printing Page Layout
6.3 Printing Headers Footers
7.1 Data Sort
7.2 Filtering
7.3 Tables
7.4 Text to Columns
7.5 Flash Fill
7.6 Data Validation
7.7 Group and Outline
7.8 Freeze Panes
8.1 Relative and Absolute Referencing
8.3 Index Match
8.4 IF
8.5 Nested If
8.6 Countif Countifs
8.8 LEN
8.11 Common Error Types
9.1 Chart Basics
9.2 Chart Series and Column Charts
9.3 Bar Charts
9.4 Pie Charts
9.5 Composite Charts
10.1 Power Query Intro
10.2 Power Query Consolidation
10.3 Pivot Tables
10.4 Setting up a Pivot Table
10.5 Pivot Table Field Settings
10.6 Pivot Table Calculated Fields
10.7 Pivot Table Groupings
10.8 Pivot Table Slicers and Timelines
10.9.1 Dashboards Part 1
10.9.2 Dashboards Part 2
11.1 What is a macro?
11.2 Recording a Macro
11.3 Relative and Absolute Macros
12.1 Introduction to VBE
12.2 Object Model
12.3 Module Worksheets Classes
12.4 Variables and Constants
12.5 vba Formatting
12.6a If Statement
12.6b Select Case
12.7a For Loop
12.7b DoWhile DoUntil Loop
12.7c ForEach Loop
12.8a Errors
12.8b Errors
12.9 Consolidate
Whether you are a complete beginner or even at an intermediate level, this course will rapidly build your skills and confidence and have you doing your work in Excel very quickly and productively.
You can go through the course with the confidence that it's taught by a highly experienced professional from the UK who has used Excel for over 15 years.
When you sign up, you get immediate access to the course. You can log into the lessons any time and there is no hurry to start as you have LIFETIME access!
How much does it cost to take your courses?

You can either purchase access to one course or all of our courses, which are listed above. What we have done in a post COVID-19 world is to keep our prices low to accommodate as many ambitious people from all over the world who are looking to upskill through our high level courses without the burden of high expense.